Today: Sunday, 9 March 2025
Satellite Tracker utilizing SatPC32 software
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 91 - 97
Author(s) : Reza Alipour* 1

1 Researcher

Abstract :
Access to the received electromagnetic waves requires antennas that correct themselves towards the receiver faster, using this software in connection with the Arduino microprocessor, a servo motor, a stepper motor, a satellite tracking device, the goal This article examines the relationship between the use of SatPC32 software and the Arduino microprocessor to create a compact satellite tracker and many applications that may benefit from this device. Satellite tracking This paper explores using SatPC32 software along with a servo motor and a stepper to create a rotary antenna that goes into orbit. The result of this paper is a fake antenna for satellite guidance that can Useful in extreme measures. Take care of your power supply and download satellite circuit patterns, laptops can be used remotely to transmit radio or internet connections that use overhead satellites. In even less extreme cases, this device can also be used for a better picture for satellite TV or clearer reception for satellite music.
Keywords :
SatPC32, azimuth, amateur radio, Arduino microprocessor.