Today: Sunday, 9 March 2025
An overview of the PICO satellite construction for atmospheric monitoring
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 80 - 90
Author(s) : Reza Alipour* 1

1 Researcher

Abstract :
The purpose of this paper is to engage students with educational activities with hands-on experiences as well as to motivate science, technology and engineering education that can be achieved through classroom learning activities that combine physics, engineering and programming. This system consists of a 9 DOF sensor, a 3-axis accelerometer, a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis magnetometer, a pressure and temperature sensor, and a camera and a transceiver module to communicate with the station. Details of its mechanical and electronic subsystems are presented along with experimental results. The relationship between our Can Sat design and the properties it can measure can be valuable in the field of Stem education. The results of this paper show that the Pico satellite after Launched from an aircraft at an altitude of approximately 1000 meters, it is designed and placed to measure temperature, atmospheric pressure and telemetry data via radio frequency communication. It can be seen that the recorded temperature decreases almost linearly with increasing altitude. This observed phenomenon can be explained according to the inverse temperature gradient law, which can be effective in engaging students with educational activities.
Keywords :
Making picosatellite, Arduino microcontroller, Can Sat, Stem education.