Today: Sunday, 9 March 2025
Lightning Striking on Surge Arrester Protector and Checking its Reflection
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 20 - 28
Author(s) : Pourya Khorampour* 1 , Mohammad Ahmari 2

1 Arak Petrochemical Company

2 Arak Petrochemical Company

Abstract :
Lightning and switching fluctuations are the main causes of voltage increase in the power system. If any high voltage transmission tower is struck by lightning, line insulation and equipment connected to the power system may be damaged. Surge arresters of many types may be used to protect transmission line insulators and electrical system equipment connected to the transmission tower. In this article, we will first explain the necessary and necessary points, and then we will do the simulation and express the results.
Keywords :
Lightning, Surge Protector, transmission tower, surge arrester.