Today: Sunday, 9 March 2025
The Effect of Using STATCOM Controller in Wind Turbine Farms to Enhance Power Quality
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2023-2024, Pages 49 - 62
Author(s) : Mohammad Amin Shabani Astani* 1 , Ershad Sadeghi Toosi 2

1 Instructor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Neka Branch, Neka, Iran

2 Faculty Member, Islamic Azad University, Neka Branch, Neka, Iran

Abstract :
The injection of wind power into the electrical grid affects voltage quality. Since the voltage level must comply with certain limits to meet essential requirements, this effect should be evaluated before installation. To assess the impact, knowledge of the electrical characteristics of wind turbines is necessary; otherwise, the result could easily be an improperly designed grid connection. The method for this evaluation is explained and demonstrated through case studies involving a 9 MW wind farm connected to a 25 kV distribution feeder. The analysis shows that the wind farm’s capacity can operate without causing unacceptable voltage quality on the grid. For comparison, a simplified design criterion is considered, assuming the wind farm maintains the voltage range, which is established using a STATCOM.
Keywords :
Wind turbine, STATCOM, Voltage