Today: Monday, 10 March 2025
Provided new architecture for discover and diagnose computer incident ‎according NIST sp 800-61 and ITIL‎
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 50 - 55
Author(s) : mahdi sadeghi ghahare* 1 , nasser modiri 2

1 Master engineer computer, Department of computer, Tehran north Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of computer, college computer and computer, Zanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Iran

Abstract :
This paper provided new architecture for discover ‎incident and make report of incident. This ‎architecture is according standard NIST and ITIL ‎framework. In this architecture at first recognize ‎incident with controlling input and output system, ‎monitoring all of the system in the regular time ‎cycle. After that finding the reality incident and in ‎the next step made accurate reports for next teams ‎and manger organ. Also, in the architecture is made ‎a database for controlling incident in future.‎
Keywords :
incident, NIST, ITIL, offensive, incident computer, ‎discovery incident, incident manager, diagnose ‎incident, identification and classify incident, ‎registration incident‎.