Today: Monday, 10 March 2025
Information Technology
Provided new architecture for discover and diagnose computer incident according NIST sp 800-61 and ITIL
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 50 - 55
1 Master engineer computer, Department of computer, Tehran north Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 Assistant Professor, Department of computer, college computer and computer, Zanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Iran
Abstract :
This paper provided new architecture for discover incident and make report of incident. This architecture is according standard NIST and ITIL framework. In this architecture at first recognize incident with controlling input and output system, monitoring all of the system in the regular time cycle. After that finding the reality incident and in the next step made accurate reports for next teams and manger organ. Also, in the architecture is made a database for controlling incident in future.
This paper provided new architecture for discover incident and make report of incident. This architecture is according standard NIST and ITIL framework. In this architecture at first recognize incident with controlling input and output system, monitoring all of the system in the regular time cycle. After that finding the reality incident and in the next step made accurate reports for next teams and manger organ. Also, in the architecture is made a database for controlling incident in future.
Keywords :
incident, NIST, ITIL, offensive, incident computer, discovery incident, incident manager, diagnose incident, identification and classify incident, registration incident.
incident, NIST, ITIL, offensive, incident computer, discovery incident, incident manager, diagnose incident, identification and classify incident, registration incident.