Today: Friday, 18 October 2024
Valitiy of Multiconductor Transmission Line Model (MTL) in Analysis and Design of Grounding Grids Buried in Lossy Frequency-Dependent Ground
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 38 - 46
Author(s) : Sajjad Mehrabi 1 , Seyyed Sajjad Sajjadi 2 , Saeed Reza Ostadzadeh* 3

1 MSC student from Arak University

2 MSC student from Arak University

3 Assistant professor from Arak University

Abstract :
In this paper, we propose an approximate model called multi-conductor transmission line model (MTL) for transient analyses of grounding grid buried in dispersive grounds. The grounding grid is corner and center-subjected to lightning current. The simulation results via this model are in good agreement with full-wave methods in previously published papers. In addition, the run-time using this model is considerably reduced.
Keywords :
dispersive ground; grounding grid; lightning stroke.